Wednesday, December 23, 2009


 Joy, Photoshop, 2009

Oftentimes when I paint in Photoshop, I find that using the Transform tool to re-size my images, and the Crop tool really improves my compositions- helping me balance out my positive and negative spaces.

Basically I keep what I need, and get rid of what I don't.

On a side note, I feel like I'm starting to develop more closure or wholeness in my pieces- where I am able to get to a point and stop painting, because everything seems to fit. I feel that way especially about this piece.

Monday, December 21, 2009


Xypheus, Photoshop

Many years ago us an undergraduate illustration student at Syracuse University, we had a visiting professor, Brian Ahjar- who's stylistically very similar to Pete De Seve. Brian gave us a project- take 3+ animals, combine them, and create a new creature. Eleven years later, I still enjoy the possibilities that this project affords my imagination.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Art Students League: Figure Study

Untitled, charcoal and watercolor, 9" x 12"